
Integrated geophysical studies of Precambrian mobile belts to constrain evolutionary and mineragenic crustal models (experience from Fennoscandian Shield)

发布时间:2018-01-10    浏览次数:

题   目:Integrated geophysical studies of Precambrian mobile belts to constrain evolutionary and mineragenic crustal models (experience from Fennoscandian Shield)

报 告人:Sokolova Elena Yurievna

单   位:All-Russian Research Geological Oil Institute of The Federal Subsoil Resources Management Agency (VNIGNI)




Sokolova ,国际知名研究员,1979年毕业于莫斯科大学地质学院, 1987-毕业于莫斯科大学计算数学与控制论系的特别系, 2002年,获得俄罗斯地球科学研究院物理与数学博士学位。1979- 1985年,国家地质部矿产资源联合研究所(VIMS);1985 - 1994年,地球磁场研究所,研究电离层和无线电波传播;1994 - 2013年,地球电磁研究中心(GEMRC IPE RAS) 研究员、科学秘书、首席研究员; 2013年至今,在地球物理研究所(IPE RAS)当研究员;2017年至今,俄罗斯联邦土地资源管理机构(VNIGNI)俄罗斯研究地质石油研究所主要研究人员。主要研究方向: 大地电磁和磁变分(MT/MV)数据处理、分析和解释方法的开发;利用大地电磁和磁变数据研究地壳和上地幔的电阻率结构,应用地球动力学和地震构造研究;对地磁活动和地震活动的MT/MV传递函数的时间变异性进行研究;油气藏的综合地球物理模型分析和评价油气资源潜力研究。多个国际研究项目的首席研究员。芬兰地球物理和地质研究所(芬兰奥卢大学,芬兰地质调查);波兰(地球物理研究所),捷克共和国(地球物理研究所),中国(地质和地球物理研究所,CAC),印度(印度矿业学院,印度理工学院),埃及(地质和天文研究所);美国(犹他大学),匈牙利(地球物理研究所HAC)等。多次参加俄罗斯和国际地球物理和地质会议以及IAGA, EGU, AGU等科学大会。


Research interests:

- development of methods for magnetotelluric and magnetovariational (MT/MV) data processing, analysis and interpretation;

- investigation of resistivity structure of the Earth’s crust and upper mantle using magnetotelluric and magnetovariational data, applications for geodynamic and seismotectonic studies;

- investigation of the temporal variability of the MT/MV transfer functions in correlation with geomagnetic activity and seismicity;

- integrated geophysical modeling of oil-gas-bearing provinces for analysis and assessment of oil and gas resource potential.


Principal Investigator of research projects

RFBR 2004-2006 ?The rational complex of MT/MV sounding methods for studies of the geoelectrical section of Kirghiz Tien Shan?;

RFBR 2008-2010 ? The development of the methods for interpretation of the deep geoelectric data in the mountainous regions (on the example of Tien Shan)?;

RFBR-NANU 2009-2010 ?The complex geological-geophysical model of the activization zone in Central Ukraine and its continuation on the territory of Russia?;

RFBR-DST 2009-2011 ?Deep geoelectrical studies of India-Eurasia collision zone: regional MT profile in Uttarakhand Himalaya?.

RFBR 2016-2018 ?Complex geophysical model of Lake Ladoga conductivity anomaly zone and its geotectonic implications?.


Responsible implementer of large international research projects on regional electromagnetic soundings of Precambrian and Paleozoic platforms as well as active geodynamic and modern mountain building areas: EMSLAB (Subduction zone at the Pacific coast of USA); BEAR (Fennoscandian Shield); EMTEZS (Tesseir-Tornquist Suture zone between East European Craton and European paleozoids); NARYN (Central Tien Shan); KIROVOGRAD (East European Craton); EHS3D (East Himalayan Syntaxes); LADOGA (AR-PR suture of Fennoscandian Shield).


Visiting researcher of the geophysical and geological institutes in Finland (University of Oulu, Geological Survey of Finland); Poland (Geophysical Institute PAC), Czech Republic (Geophysical Institute CAC), China (Geological and Geophysical Institute, CAC), India (Indian School of Mines, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee), Egypt (Institute of Geopgysics and Astronomy); USA (University of Utah), Hungary (Geophysical Institute HAC).


Participant and Speaker of numerous All-Russian and International geophysical and geological conferences and Scientific Assemblies of  IAGA, EGU, AGU.
